Adventures in Blogging

It’s taken awhile to start adding content to the site.  It’s tough, I decided to write about working too much, but unsurprisingly working too much interferes with writing.  Add to my woes a lack of practice at writing and I have a mountain of excuses to draw from.

This site is mainly a vehicle for me to practice writing and get experience with wordpress.  There will also be a decent amount of complaints about my job. As for the details of my employment I will keep it non specific

I am the General Manager of a popular Sandwich making franchise. I’ve been with my company about 2 years now and I end up working about 70-90 hours a week to keep my store running.  I don’t make a ton of money, as my store is in kind of a bad neighborhood but i seem to get a lot of respect for doing as well as I am with the store. Yet I hate being a GM and I am eagerly hoping I can be promoted soon to move to a position I am better suited for.

So ends the first post.

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